Simplex Net

The Hurst Amateur Radio Club Simplex net is held on the third Sunday of the month at 7 pm.  The net is an important part of HARC and Hurst RACES/ARES because it provides a consistent time and frequency for members to test equipment that might be used in an emergency.

The script includes some items that you read and other items that are instructions.  The script is in normal characters and instructions (that do not need to be read out loud!) are displayed in italics.

The plan is to first, open the net, welcome guests, and check-in all participating net members.  Part of the net control job is to count the number of people who check in to the Simplex Net and to report that number (don’t forget to count yourself!) later in the evening on the weekly check-in net at 7:30 pm on the W5HRC repeater on 147.100 MHz +offset PL 110.9Hz.