
Welcome to the Hurst Amateur Radio Club. We are a group of men, women, young, and old, that love radio communications. We became a club in 1966, and still carry on the tradition of amateur radio today. We have operators that enjoy many different aspects of our hobby.

Our mission statement:

  • The purpose of the club is to promote community volunteerism through civic, and emergency management activities, by the promotion of amateur radio.
  • What we set out to do:
  • Promote the proper use of Amateur Radio.
  • Educate the users of radio equipment.

Club members serve as weather watchers for the National Weather Service, partner with the City of Hurst as part of RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service), assist with crime watches to aid local law enforcement agencies, and provide communications for public service events.

We offer VE testing of all levels of licenses, both through W5YI and the ARRL. Visit our Classes and Testing page to find information regarding that.

We host multiple nets each week. Our main net is every Sunday night at 7:30 pm. We also have a regularly scheduled simplex net every third Sunday at 7:00pm. Wednesday’s we also participate in the Texas Statewide DMR net on our DMR repeater at 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome to participate in these nets. More information regarding our nets can be found on our Nets pages.

We are a RACES organization serving the City of Hurst. If you would like to read more about this, see our RACES page.

Feel free to contact us if we can help you in any way.