Simplex Net Script

Hurst Amateur Radio Club Simplex Net Control Script

Script updated May 1, 2024

  • At 6:45 pm make the following announcement on the W5HRC Repeater.

This is Name, Call Sign, net control for tonight’s Hurst Amateur Radio Club simplex net. Tonight’s Net will be held on 146.500 MHz (or if the frequency is in use, 20kHz up until a clear frequency is found) simplex.  For tonight’s Net, please tune in to 146.500 MHz (or alternate frequency).  This is Call Sign.

  • Move to the Simplex frequency for the remainder of the script.

Good evening.  This is Name, Call Sign, net control for the Hurst Amateur Radio Club Simplex Net.  This net aims to support and train Amateur Radio Operators for emergency communications.  We invite all to check in. This is a directed net, please do not transmit without direction from net control.

This net may be interrupted at any time for emergency or priority traffic. Is there any emergency or priority traffic at this time?

  • Pause – if anyone has priority traffic at any time, allow them to handle it before continuing with anything else.

For information on this net see our website at  This net normally meets at 7:00 p.m. every 3rd Sunday on 146.500Mhz or an alternate frequency announced on the W5HRC repeater, at 147.100 MHz at 6:45 pm.

Please save comments or announcements for the Hurst Amateur Radio Club Weekly check-in net, which follows this one at 7:30 pm on the W5HRC repeater, 147.100Mhz + offset 110.9 Hz PL.

  • Remember to repeat everything you hear including check-ins and questions.

Is there a volunteer to help keep count of the check-ins?

  • Acknowledge volunteer.

Thank you, Volunteer’s Name, Call Sign.

  • Not everyone may hear the check-ins so you will need to repeat everything you hear so your volunteer counter and others hear the check-ins.

I will now take check-ins, if I don’t acknowledge you, I will call for any relays after I complete the roll call. Are there any guests or early check-ins?  Please check in with your call sign phonetically followed by your name and location now.

  • Welcome and log guests and early check-ins.  Do a follow-up call to make sure no one was doubled or missed.

We will now do member check-ins by roll call.  The roll call consists of the stations that check in most frequently and it is not a complete membership list.  This is Call Sign beginning the roll call.  Please reply with your callsign phonetically followed by your name and location as called.


  • Acknowledge check-ins. At the end of the roll call list ask for any additional HARC Members who wish to check in.

Are there any additional member check-ins? Please check in with your call sign phonetically followed by your name and location now.

  • Acknowledge and note these–do a follow-up call to make sure no one was doubled or missed.

I will now ask for any relays for stations that I did not acknowledge.  If you can relay for a missed station please come back with your call sign only.

  • Get the relay info and then repeat the call for other relays until none are heard.

The net control operator for next month’s simplex net should be Name, Call Sign. (the operator noted in the net schedule on the HARC website or ask for a volunteer). Thank you for volunteering.

Are there any late check-ins or relays?

  • Acknowledge and note these–do a follow-up call to make sure no one was doubled or missed

Any further late check-ins may do so during the Hurst Amateur Radio Club weekly check-in net at 7:30 p.m. All are invited to check in to that net each week on 147.100 MHz +offset 110.9 Hz PL or 442.850 MHz +offset 110.9 Hz PL on the 5th Sunday.

Will Name, Call Sign (of Volunteer keeping count) please report your check-in count?

  • Confirm count totals match your counts and resolve differences if necessary

This is Call Sign closing the Hurst Amateur Radio Club monthly simplex net at the current time with # check-ins and returning the frequency to normal operation. This is Call Sign, 73, and thanks to all who checked in tonight.


  • Be sure the number of check-ins is reported to the Club Secretary for the activity reports. You can do this by emailing