Field Day

2024 Field Day

ARRL Field Day is the single most popular on-the-air event held annually in the US and Canada. On the fourth
weekend of June of each year, (June 22-23, 2024) more than 35,000 radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or simply with
friends to operate from remote locations.

It is a time where many aspects of amateur radio come together to highlight our many roles. While some will
treat it as a contest, other groups use the opportunity to practice their emergency response capabilities. It is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate amateur radio to the organizations that amateur radio might serve in an emergency, as well as the general public. For many radio clubs, ARRL Field Day is one of the highlights of their annual calendar.

Hurst Amateur Radio Club will host 2024 Field Day at Hurst Fire Station #2 EOC.
Please signup and join us! Login to your Google account then click HERE to signup


2024 Winter Field Day Fun!

The 2024 Winter Field Day was a great success!! We had three HF stations and operated from 1:00pm Saturday until 1:00pm Sunday. Hats off the die-hard hams who braved the cold and stayed all night. Fueled by propane heaters and hot coffee they operated through 33 degree temps until the early morning light began to warm their frozen feet and fingers.

We had lots of food. Travis N5UB smoked brisket and pork shoulder. It was delicious! Later in the evening Rebecca KJ5CSJ brought homemade beef stew that warmed the heart and soul. There were sides and plenty of snacks.

We setup several antennas including one or two of the EFHWs we built in October. We operated mostly on battery power but had a generator as well. Frozen fingers searched the bands (15, 20, 40) for contacts. We made over 100 contacts, but In the wee hours there was more huddling around the heaters that members graciously provided, than actual contacts. The bands were pretty dead late into the night. Perhaps next year we’ll incorporate 80 and 160 meters.

We’ve already started planning for Summer Field Day, June 22, 2024. Both summer and winter field days are great ways to get operating experience and learn about our hobby. Please plan to join in on the fun, operate outside your license class and get some great experience at this year’s summer field day next year’s winter field day!

2023 Winter Field Day

Our 2023 Winter Field Day was great fun!! We operated as 3-Oscar (three stations, outdoors). We used independent power (generator and battery) for the entire event! Three stations operated continuously throughout the night. The bands were pretty good. We operated 10 and 20 meters until early evening, then 40 meters, and finally 80 meters for the last few contacts.

For a few hours, we shared the park with a church group of nearly 100 kids who seemed to be using our antennas as goals for their football game. After they left, our antennas were still standing and we continued to operate.
Jeremy, N5KKE brought a smoker and prepared chickens and hot dogs. We ate well and enjoyed moderate temperatures throughout the night, until about 6:00 am.

In the early morning, the thermometer plunged and the wind picked up. We got a taste of real winter and decided that some kind of tent or shelter with sides would have been a great idea! Great spirits and good fun kept us warm and we operated until about 9:00 am on Sunday. After filling ourselves with doughnuts and hot coffee we packed up and headed for home and warm beds.

These events are a ton of fun. If you haven’t been lately you’re missing out. Our next field day is at the end of June. I hope you’ll join us.