Hurst Amateur Radio Club Bylaws
- The name of the club shall be HURST AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (hereinafter referred to as “Club”).
- The business of the Club shall be conducted by an Executive Board elected by the Club membership.
- The Executive Board shall conduct Club business and activities in accordance with these established Bylaws.
The objectives of the Club are:
- to promote the proper use of Amateur Radio
- to educate the users of radio equipment
- to aid in disaster/emergency communications
- to promote, generate and encourage interest in Amateur Radio
- Membership in the Club shall be restricted to individuals who concur with the objectives established by the Club.
- Anyone desiring to join the Club shall be granted full membership privileges upon submitting a completed application form to be reviewed by the Club President, payment of appropriate dues as provided for in Article 3 and being entered in the Club Roster thereby becoming a member.
- Dues shall be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at any regular meeting.
- Annual membership dues shall be paid during the month of June each year. The fiscal year is defined as June 1 through May 31.
- New members joining between June – November will pay the full applicable rate for an entire fiscal year’s membership. New members joining between December – May will pay one-half of the applicable rate for membership through the end of the fiscal year.
- Only members in good standing shall have full Club voting rights.
- The meeting chairperson shall conduct the Club meeting in a manner that will permit each member to express his/ her opinion in regard to Club management.
- The meeting chairperson may elect to follow ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER when the adoption of such rules shall serve the Club’s best interest.
- A motion may be made by any member at any Club meeting requesting that the meeting be conducted in accordance with ROBERT’S RULES. The meeting chairperson shall call for a vote by the attending members on the motion and conduct the meeting as directed by the vote.
- When a meeting is being conducted in accordance with ROBERT’S RULES, the meeting chairperson shall appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms who shall interpret and instruct the membership of the correct procedures.
- The Club will elect from the membership the following Club officers: PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, TREASURER and a total of SIX DIRECTORS. Three directors shall be elected each year for a two-year term; all other officers are elected for one-year terms each.
- Officer Elections shall be finalized at the May business meeting of each year. It shall be at the board’s discretion to present the election process in one of the following forms:
- Electronic using means that the club has previously approved
- A paper ballot, distributed to active membership present during the business meeting.
- Combination of both electronic and paper ballot.
- Annually, the President shall call for nominations and accept nominations from any member in good standing. If more than one person is nominated for a position, an election shall be conducted during the May membership meeting. For those positions for which only one nomination has been received, those officers may be elected by acclimation upon a motion to do so by the general membership.
- There shall be a joint meeting between the outgoing and the incoming officers before the June business meeting to execute an orderly transfer of business and records. The newly elected officers shall preside at this meeting.
- PRESIDENT – The President shall preside over all meetings of the Club, be an ex-officio member of all Committees, promote growth of the Club and perform all duties that normally pertain to the office of the President. In the event of a vacancy in this office, the Vice President shall finish the term and duties of the President.
- VICE PRESIDENT – The Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall preside over all meetings of the Club and perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office, or which may be assigned by the President.
- SECRETARY – The Secretary shall be responsible for the Club records and present to the membership the minutes of the previous meeting prior to being accepted as permanent Club records. The Secretary shall maintain job descriptions for each of the elected offices.
- TREASURER – The Treasurer shall be responsible for Club funds – Income and Disbursements – and for the financial records of the Club, collect all Dues and Fees, and make disbursements as authorized by the Executive Board. A monthly report of the finances of the Club shall be made at each regular meeting.
- Authorized signatures for all financial transactions shall be either the Treasurer or the President.
- The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers and Directors provided in Article 6.
- Each Officer and Director shall be a member in good standing.
- In the event of a vacancy on the Board, the President shall fill said vacancy by appointment.
- The Executive Board shall determine the policies of the Club, approve the operating budget, take counsel with the Committees and interpret the Bylaws.
- Each of the six Directors may be assigned by the President to head a particular Club objective.
- The assigned Director shall coordinate with Committees and the Executive Board in regard to funds, Club policy, etc.
- The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President. Members are invited and encouraged to observe these meetings; however, the Executive Board may convene behind closed doors as they deem necessary.
- An Executive Board quorum shall consist of at least five members present.
- Only members of the Executive Board shall be allowed to vote at Executive Board meetings.
- Committees shall be appointed by the President or by the assigned Director.
- All Committees shall consist of as many members as deemed necessary by the President or by the assigned Director.
- The Club shall hold a regularly scheduled meeting each month, which shall be considered the official Club meeting.
- The third Monday of each month shall be considered the regular meeting date unless otherwise specified.
- The Club shall have such other meetings, as the Club deems necessary.
- Any amendment to these Bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at any regular meeting, provided written notice of the proposed amendment shall have been distributed to the members at least 30 days before the meeting.
- Delegations or Special Committees shall be appointed by the President, subject to approval of the Executive Board, to represent the Club at any convention, meeting, or assembly, as may be necessary. Such Delegations or Committees shall exercise only those powers specifically vested in them by the Executive Board.
- Such Delegation shall have no authority to bind or obligate the Club for any expense or take any action contrary to the expressed policy of the Club.
- The President shall either serve as Chairperson of such Delegations or appoint a Chairperson.
- No Officer, Director, Committee, Committee Chairperson, Committee member or member of this Club shall have the power to incur any liability without the authority of the Executive Board, or to exceed the maximum appropriation authorized by the Board.
- Any member who is more than one month in arrears of any financial obligation to the Club shall forfeit their membership. A forfeited membership may be reinstated by making payment of the obligation.
- A member may be expelled from the Club for conduct unbecoming a member. Alleged violations shall be reviewed by the Board and may be presented to the Club for action. Expulsion of a member shall be by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at a regular meeting.
- Any person whose membership in the Club has been terminated in any manner shall forfeit all interest in any funds or other property belonging to the Club, and the right to use the Club’s name, emblem, or equipment.
- The interpretation of these Bylaws shall be the duty of the Executive Board.
Voted on and approved by the membership of the Hurst Amateur Radio Club as amended 20 June , 2022.
______________________________ ______________________________
Paul F Harrington, W5PFH Donald G Kraul, KG5VMV
President Vice President