
Hurst Club Antenna Installation

On Saturday, June 29th your club helped a fellow ham (Glenn Thompson KE4HZC) install a new antenna system for his shack. This was no easy project! John, K5SKR and Steve KM5HT spent several days prior preparing the site and making it ready for the tower. On Saturday a large group of dedicated club members showed up to help in the sweltering heat. They gathered at 8:00 am and worked well into the afternoon until the project was complete. Our climbers were Sam NM5N, John K5SKR and Romie N8WWR. Each spent more than an hour suspended on the tower, hoisting and connecting sections, and finally mounting the hex beam, connecting it to the rotor and routing the cabling for power and signal. Steve KM5HT worked diligently to assemble the hex beam on the ground before it could be lifted onto the tower. The ground crew assisted by pulling the sections and antenna up with the “gin pole” to the awaiting climbers. It was a sight to behold! Beautiful skies as the back drop for a dramatic assembly of all the components.

This is the kind of thing many of us got into ham radio to do, help our fellow hams and further the hobby. Many thanks to all those who participated in helping Glen realize a long time ambition. Congratulations Glen and Thanks to all who rose to the occasion!

For more pictures and videos click HERE!

Antenna Building for Foxhunt Event

In preparation for the multi-club Foxhunt event that’s planned for September 21st, we will spend the next few Saturdays building a Tape Measure Yagi antenna for 440Mhz.
Come and join us at our Saturday GROUP events on August 24th and August 31st. We’ll spend one Saturday cutting PVC pipe and the 2nd Saturday assembling the antennas.
If you would like to donate parts for the build, here is the parts list:

For each antenna, we need:
Elements (1″ steel tape measure)
  • 1 x 13 19/32″
  • 2 x 5 3/8″
  • 1 x 11 1/16″
PVC List (1/2 inch schedule 40)
  • 1 x 6″ piece
  • 3 x 2″ piece
  • 3 x 3/32″ piece
2 x PVC cross fitting
1 x PVC tee fitting
  • Tie wraps
  • Tape
  • 12 or 14 AWG solid copper wire
  • Sandpaper
  • RG-58 coax
  • Coax connectors