February 2025 Tech Talk – Discord

Join Us Saturday morning, 10 AM February 15 at the EOC for a Talk on Using the Discord Service and App Presented by Mike KJ5AJU and Paul W5PFH. - Discord is the premier way to allow group or personal messaging and is heavily used by HARC. It has become the de facto meeting place for club members. - With a very colorful history, in June 2020 Discord announced it was shifting focus away from video gaming to be a more all-purpose communication and chat client for all functions, revealing its new slogan "Your place to talk." - While most users are unaware, Discord also offers audio and video chatting. - Mike and Paul will review the fundamentals of setting up Discord on your PC, Mac, or phone, and becoming a member user of the HARC group, as well as others. - As of 2024, the service has about 150 million monthly active users and 19 million weekly active servers. - Most hams today seem to thrive on text over other modes; Discord is a natural place to congregate and share ideas and announcements.