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2018 Field Day Results

2018 Field Day Results
QSO Summary
QSO MethodCWDigitalPhoneTotal
Total QSOs264632104
Total Points429232166
Bonus Points:
100% Emergency Power400+100Generator+Propane Powered x4 Stations
Media Publicity100Reported to Star Telegram
Social media100Facebook/Twitter
Public Location100Hurst Chisholm Park
Public Information Table100
Site Visit100EO - David Booe, Mayor Pro Tem
Site Visit100EO - Nancy Weldon, City Council, Place 7 (outgoing)
Site Visit100EO - Jon McKenzie, City Council, Place 6
Site Visit100SA - DHS, ICE Agent Noel
Safety officer100Don, KG5DLL
Total Bonus Points1400
Definitions and Additional Information:
EO = Elected Official
SA = Served Agency
*2x Muliplier Qualification

Net Control Operators Needed

We are needing additional net control stations to volunteer for our weekly Sunday night and monthly Simplex nets. All members are welcome and encouraged to try their hand at running one of our nets.
A script is provided to assist you in directing, if needed. Operating as an NCS helps with giving you a different perspective of net operations. Please take a look at the schedule for both nets and decide which one you would like.
You can send an email to us through the contact page or directly by email at .

2017 First Quarterly Newsletter

Our next issue of the Hurst Amateur Radio Club Newsletter is here. We have the President’s Musings – Reflecting back on 2016. RACES Today where we talk about SKYWARN, what it is and what it is for. Followed by Upcoming Events, Back to Basics, Stuff to Know and follow up by remembering our Silent Key’s.
We are looking forward to 2017
Read the newsletter here:
HARC Newsletter for 1Q17