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Nov/December 2016 Newsletter

It is already time for another club newsletter. Mike has done a fantastic job with it. This month we continue our talk about RACES, and getting back to basics. We have a section about upcoming events, fall and winter volunteer opportunities through Mall Watch, results of JOTA 2016, the Hurst Fire Department Open House, and our special emergency drill that we recently had.
We finish up with honoring three of our friends who became Silent Keys in 2016.
Find the newsletter here:
HARC Newsletter for Nov-Dec 2016
If you would like to contribute, please submit in MSWord format to Mike Haefner, N5YM, by email at [email protected]. The deadline for the next edition of the club newsletter will be December 19, 2016.

Sept/Oct 2016 Newsletter

Our September/October edition of the Newsletter is here. It is another great issue where we talk about our ongoing RACES program, David, KD5YDU shows his shack, our own Michael Currie, KF5ZAP, is awarded a scholarship from the ARRL, and a schedule of upcoming events.
We have so many pictures for you to see. They are from both Field Day and our HARC50 celebration.
Did you know that almost went to war with Russia in 1967 because of a solar flare? Mike explains how it almost happened. We also get back to the basics of HAM Radio. We talk about grey line; what it is, and how we use it.
Find the newsletter here:
HARC Newsletter Sep-Oct 2016

July/August 2016 Newsletter

The July and August edition of the newsletter has arrived. This is an exciting issue. It is full of interesting tidbits and other information.
President Chris, KD5HIY, looks back at this past year and everything we have done and looks forward to the upcoming year. Our new secretary Carrie, KD5YIZ, has ideas for growing the club, specifically for women. She discusses her new venture, the Women of Ham net that she started last month. It started small and is growing a little each week.
Our new logo is officially shown off to the world, the City of Hurst received the NOAA StormReady Certification, a great bit of history as told by John Roden, K5JR.
Mike, N5YM, explain a confusing subject we encounter all the time in the world of radio, decibels, and how they actually work and are why they are of value to us.
This is a great issue and we are very excited about it. Read it here: HARC Newsletter July-August 2016
Give your feedback, or contribute to our next issue by sending an email to Mike, N5YM, at [email protected]