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Amateur Radio Week – June 17-23

On June 11th, 2013, the Mayor of the City of Hurst, Richard War, declared June 17-23, 2013 as Amateur Radio Week in the City of Hurst. Members of the Hurst Amateur Radio Club Executive Board were in attendance at the City Council meeting and heard the proclamation read aloud by City Councilman David Booe.
The proclamation recognizes the role of amateur radio and amateur radio operators’ service to the community and readiness to respond during events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, disasters, and other communications emergencies.
The proclamation also acknowledges the ARRL Field Day exercise that will take place on June 22-23, 2013. This exercise is a “24-hour emergency preparedness exercise and demonstration of radio operators’ skill and readiness to provide self-supporting communications without further infrastructure being required.”
The Hurst Amateur Radio Club and Hurst RACES will be participating in the ARRL Field Day from Heritage Village Pavilion located at 837 W. Pipeline Road next to  Hurst Fire Station #2 for the entire 24 hour period and visitors are welcome.
The full text of the proclamation is available here.

DFW Area Amateur Radio information

There are few groups worth investigating if you want to stay abreast of the latest happenings in amateur radio in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
A relatively new Yahoo group, DFW-RO, has been started by Anthony Burokas (KB3DVS) with the purpose of bringing together radio operators and clubs from all around the Dallas/Fort Worth area into one place. This would be particularly useful whenever there are events that affect the entire region.
The ARRL North Texas section (NTX) has an Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Yahoo group, NTX ARES, for sharing information about events and ideas related to ARES in North Texas.
The DFW Area Ham Radio Interoperability Group promotes the sharing of resources and technology for the achievement of amateur radio EmComm interoperability in North Central Texas. They publish a standard channel list of repeaters used for emergency communications in the four counties that make up the DFW area and the bordering counties.
Hurst ARC has adopted the standard list and fill in the first 20 channels that are available for local use. It’s recommended that all members program their radios as close to this standard as possible (within the limits of individual radio features). The radios in the EOC are programmed to this standard.
The file you need is here: HARC_EOC_050512
To use these files, it’s recommended to use the free CHIRP radio programming software. The file is CSV (comma-separated values) so you can import it into CHIRP, manually program your radio, or import into another radio programming software.