Tag Archive: newsletter

July/August 2016 Newsletter

The July and August edition of the newsletter has arrived. This is an exciting issue. It is full of interesting tidbits and other information.
President Chris, KD5HIY, looks back at this past year and everything we have done and looks forward to the upcoming year. Our new secretary Carrie, KD5YIZ, has ideas for growing the club, specifically for women. She discusses her new venture, the Women of Ham net that she started last month. It started small and is growing a little each week.
Our new logo is officially shown off to the world, the City of Hurst received the NOAA StormReady Certification, a great bit of history as told by John Roden, K5JR.
Mike, N5YM, explain a confusing subject we encounter all the time in the world of radio, decibels, and how they actually work and are why they are of value to us.
This is a great issue and we are very excited about it. Read it here: HARC Newsletter July-August 2016
Give your feedback, or contribute to our next issue by sending an email to Mike, N5YM, at [email protected]

May/June 2016 Newsletter

It is time to present to you, the next issue of our newsletter. Fresh off the printer and ready to go
Chris, KD5HIY gives a brief summary of upcoming events. Butch, KC5ONZ, introduces us to some new RACES topics and terms, and how we apply them. Mike, N5YM, shows his shack.
We have another amazing interview with one of our founders, Randy Foster, WB5GON. He tells us about the early days in the club. Old Field Day pictures are shared, member awards received, and an article about getting back to basics – Repeater Coordination, what it is and why is it important.
Find this issue of the newsletter here: HARC Newsletter May-Jun 2016
Let us know what you think or submit an article for the next issue by sending an email to [email protected]

March/April 2016 Newsletter

It is already time for our next issue of the HurstARC Newsletter. In this issue, we introduce a few new segments. The first called RACES Today brought to you by Butch Seaman, KC5ONZ. If you were wondering what RACES is, Butch does a great job explaining what it is.
This is a fun issue. We have articles titled The Rookie Roundup, The Old Crow, Show Your Shack, and a special interview with “Pappy” Dorsey, K5DSP, that you will enjoy. It will give you an insight to the beginning and early era of our club.
Find this issue of the newsletter here:
HARC Newsletter Mar-Apr 2016
If you would like to submit material for the next issue, send your article to [email protected]